Friday, August 16, 2013

Piano Lessons Past and Present

Piano Lessons Past and Present
"If there was ever a time to reclaim what is yours and to begin your journey of musical discovery, the time is now. Regardless if it is your profession or hobby or simply a tool for enjoyment, the Piano is a vehicle for understanding a part of you that can otherwise be quite illusive."  -dl

The study of any sport or martial art, music, dance or any other artistic discipline results in a deeper understanding of one's self.   This is not the usual conclusion arrived at and discussed by those of us who suffered under the ‘wrong’ instructor, or who perhaps simply came to ‘right’ discipline at the wrong time.  
It is almost cliche’ to talk about the 'teacher that made you dislike an instrument' or perhaps even worse dislike yourself.   Too many hours can be wasted in lesson with a teacher who actually believes that breaking you down will improve your ability. Many of our masters studied under this form of instruction, and they hopefully were at the very least the few for whom this method was useful.  Even they however agree for the most part, from what I have gathered, that it was the skill of the instructor who was 'breaking them down' and the discernment they weilded that made this style work. 
Instructors who are not skilled in methods of coaching and developing their students can use the same techniques as their masters but fail to understand how to use the tools they are using.   This can be very counter productive.  Some basic indicators that your instructor may not possess the skills that are necessary to weild such responsibility are having only one syle of play and only one method to teach.  Limited by what they know, teachers who are not skilled in being educators teach with an approach that can  damage your desire to learn and will impede your ability to do so.  
When seeking out a new piano mentor, there are all kinds of things to consider that are more obvious than all of this, such as pedigree, references, availability, and so on.   If you are coming back to piano, you will require an instructor who can help you remain in the present rather than digressing into the past and yet can still remain focused on bringing your "learned tools" forward for updating.   If you are new to the piano, you need an instructor who you vibe with and who listens to you when you talk about what you are wanting to accomplish. And of course, you will want one that will work with you as an individual to insure you see results.    
Know in advance a little about where you would like to go, remain open to changing your desired outcome as you learn more and gain insight into your playing.  Open yourself to discovery and really explore your abilities as a musician.  You will find the teacher that inspires you, challenges you, and makes the journey to mastery a fun road to be on.  
Reclaim your journey, or simply start it.   Piano lessons have changed since you were a kid, and the path to your own success is merely waiting for you. 


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